Manage your loan straight from your mobile device. View your loan repayments, see how many repayments are left on your loan, and connect directly to your full member area so you can pay for any missed repayments - too easy!FEATURES:SEE WHEN YOUR NEXT REPAYMENT IS DUE – at a glance you can view when your next repayment is due and how much it is.SEE HOW MANY PAYMENTS YOU HAVE LEFT - easily view the number of repayments you have left.PAY A MISSED REPAYMENT - connect directly to the full member area to pay a missed repayment so you can keep your loan on track. REQUEST A NEW LOAN - if you’ve already paid off your loan and need money fast, just Nimble it and move on! Get your application process underway directly from the app. Available for Australian Nimble customers.MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM PERIOD FOR REPAYMENTThe minimum period of repayment for our financial product offerings is 62 days and the maximum period of repayment is 48 months, depending on how much the customer decides to borrow). MAXIMUM ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE (APR)An annual percentage rate (APR) does not apply for our Small Loans between $300 and $2,000. These loans are fee-based only, where the establishment fee is 20% of the amount borrowed and the monthly fee is 4% of the amount borrowed.Nimble’s Personal Loans have a maximum APR of 47.6158%, with a maximum comparison rate of 65.6597% (for loans from $2,050 to $5,000).REPRESENTATIVE EXAMPLE OF THE TOTAL COST OF THE LOAN, INCLUDING THE PRINCIPLE AND ALL APPLICABLE FEES (FOR EXAMPLE, SAMPLY MONTHLY PAYMENT, SAMPLE INTEREST CALCULATION).Example 1 [Personal Loans ($2050 - $25000)]: $3,000 repaid over 12 months with a 47.6% interest rate (65.66% comparison rate) = $3,000 principal amount borrowed plus a $400 establishment fee (a $400 establishment fee applies for Personal Loans between $2,050 and $5,000) plus $914.80 total interest repaid results in a total to be repaid of $4,314.80 with estimated fortnightly repayments of $165.95